Voxercise Q & A

Q: I like to sing along with other singers. How do I sing along with the piano and a voice?

A: Voxercise is set to default to accompany singers with a piano melody. If you’d like to sing along with a voice, from the main user interface of any exercise, press the settings gear in the upper right-hand corner.  There you may pan between listening to both piano melody and voice melody with chordal accompaniment or pan between hearing just piano melody with chordal accompaniment or just voice with piano accompaniment.*

*Note: For Apple users, only iPhones 7 or more recent support panning. Less recent iPhones will not allow the user to choose to sing along with a voice.

Q: How do I make and add to a playlist?

A: There are two ways to create a playlist:

1) From the “playlists” screen, tap the “+” sign in the upper left-hand corner to name your playlist. To add to a playlist, visit the ”Exercises” screen and swipe left on any exercise to add to a playlist.

2) From the “Voxercises” screen, swipe left to create or add to a playlist. Follow the prompt to create a new playlist or add to an existing one.

Q: How do I delete a playlist?

A: To delete a playlist, from the “playlists” screen, swipe left on a playlist to delete or rename.

Q: The tuning feature keeps moving sharp or flat on me even though I sing in tune. What's up with that?

A: Remember, the tuner is a machine and you are a human. Any time you glide in between notes, your pitch moves higher and lower, so expect the tuner to reflect that movement. Voxercise's tuning feature is set to be "in tune" within a quarter tone (50 cents) of the target note, so as long as you're within the "in tune" bar for your longer held notes, you're doing fine. Just remember that the tuner will move around when you're switching notes. Enjoy!

Q: I sing pop/jazz/rock/country/gospel/blues. Is Voxercise right for me?

A: Voxercise was designed for anyone to be able to to use. The accompanying voices were recorded by singers of contemporary music, so the accompanying singers use a more forward placement in their singing. If you’d rather not hear someone singing along with you while you warm up, just leave the settings defaulted to piano.

Q: I sing classical music. Can I use Voxercise, too?

A: Those singers who are singing classical or operatic repertoire should choose the piano option, as our singers are pop singers, and use a more forward placement in their singing with less neutral, more pop-oriented vowels.

Q: My exercise won’t descend. How do I make it descend?

A: We think we’ve fixed any bugs related to this problem for the initial 1.0 release, but if you find that an exercise won’t descend, simply press the pause button followed by the play button and your exercise will descend as designed.

Q: How do I change my range settings?

A: From the main user interface of any exercise, press the settings gear in the upper right-hand corner.  There you may change your range or set a specific, custom range. If you need to change your gender, please email support@voxercise.com for assistance.

Q: Why do I have to choose between genders female and male?

A: Voxercise strives to be inclusive to all of our users, regardless of gender identification. Whether you personally identify as cis, trans, non-binary, genderqueer or otherwise, we ask that you choose between a “female” and "male” so the app will know generally whether to download the MP3s for the upper or the lower frequency spectrum. Voxercise will never refer to personal pronouns, and we welcome your feedback as we strive to make sure all users feel equally at home using our app.